NiCole, born and bred in New York City, developed her passion for the arts at a very young age. She received a BFA from the State University of New York at Buffalo and holds professional certificates in both Graphic and Web Design. In addition, NiCole has had a diverse career as a Graphic Designer, Marketing Director, Art Director and freelance design professtional.
After moving to Boston, she was an event organizer hosting singles' orientated events such as speed dating, singles' mixers and happy hours. NiCole hosted a monthly Art, Wine/Cheese and Introductions singles' mixer held at a local art gallery. She learned she LOVED to entertain and make people have a good time with her upbeat music and wireless mic. Thought the years, she became the Tony Robbins of singles' events in the greater Boston area.
As a Local Partner with Yaymaker NiCole is the Mistress of Ceremony sharing her love of art and entertaining all walks of people with varying artistic abilities. With Yaymaker going virtual, NiCole is able to expand and spread her reach across all time zones.
Seriously, If you want to hide behind the camera and have a boring art class NiCole is definitely NOT the artist for you. If you want to turn it up at your next interactive Paint Nite Art pARTy, bring your wine and your playlist and get ready, NiCole is the artist of choice.
I'll see you (Video On) at my next Art pARTy!